Prices and Dicounts

Prices For Doggy Day Care at DOGZ CLUB

DOGZ CLUB - Day Care Prices

Standard Prices 1 Dog

Full Day (10 hours) £28

Half Day (5 hour am/pm sessions) £20.00

5 Day pass - valid for 1 month - £135.80 (£27.20/day))

10 day pass - valid for 2 months - £266.00 (£26.60/day)

20 Day pass - valid for 3 months - £515.50 (£25.76/day)

Passes Valid Monday To Friday

STANDARD PRICES - 2 Dogs from same household

Full Day £50.40

Half Day £36.00

Or For more Information Call Us on 07968 505847 or 0161 477 6356

*all prices include VAT and a discretionary tip